Copper (II) ion removal from synthetic wastewater using chitosan-impregnated coconut shell adsorbent: optimization, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies

  • Journal engineering
  • O Oribayo University of Lagos
Keywords: Optimization, Adsorption, Isotherm, kinetics, Environmental protection


A chitosan-impregnated coconut shell adsorbent composite was prepared for copper (II) ions adsorption from synthetic wastewater. Optimization and characterization of the prepared composite adsorbent was conducted along with the kinetics and thermodynamics experiments. Optimization investigation was achieved using Box-Behnken-based response surface methodology. The highest adsorption factors was obtained, yielding a copper removal efficiency of 76.82% at pH of 6, shaking speed of 150 rpm and initial concentration of 150 mg/g. Maximum Cu2+ ion adsorption capacity of 53.49 mg/L was obtained. The experimental data for chitosan-impregnated coconut shell adsorbent composite was analyzed using the kinetic and equilibrium adsorption isotherm models. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm model fit the experimental data, which suggests a highly energetic heterogeneous surface, with an R2 of 0.9993. Pseudo-second order explicitly represents the kinetic data with R2 range of 0.9989 to 0.9998, indicating a strong correlation between the actual and calculated values. In conclusion, the thermodynamic parameters change in Gibbs’s free energy (∆G), change in enthalpy (∆H), and change in entropy (∆S) indicates copper ion adsorption onto chitosan-impregnated coconut shell adsorbent composite was endothermic and spontaneous. These results suggest that chitosan-impregnated coconut shell adsorbent composite is an excellent adsorbent for removing copper ions from wastewater.


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How to Cite
engineering, J., & Oribayo, O. (2025). Copper (II) ion removal from synthetic wastewater using chitosan-impregnated coconut shell adsorbent: optimization, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Engineering Research, 29(4), 52-67. Retrieved from